This is so exciting! The State and County have decided that we can reopen!!! We will reopen on TUESDAY JUNE 2ND. As we head towards a “new normal” please be patient as we implement some new rules in accordance with the CDC. These rules have been developed to help keep members and staff as safe as possible. We appreciate your adherence to these new rules. They are listed below and will be posted at the gym. You will see them when you sign in each day.
JUNE HOURS (temporary)
Monday – Friday 4am-7pm (closing 1hr early for extra sanitizing)
Monday – Friday – CLOSED 1:30-3:30pm for cleaning
Saturday 8am-12 noon (closing early for extra sanitizing)
Upon your first visit back to the gym, please plan to sign a new COVID-19 waiver. We will have printed copies available when you arrive at the gym. If you are under 18 you will need to have a parent or guardian sign as well.
Failure to follow these rules will result in a strict ban from using the gym. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out.
The gym will be open to members ONLY. Until restrictions are lifted, we will not be allowing day passes, guests, tours, or visitors, spouses, or kids who are not members.
Wearing masks in the gym will be a mandatory requirement AT ALL TIMES during this phase of reopening. This means that you will need to step outside to drink any beverage or catch your breath. We know this may take some adjustment, but it is an important step to make sure we are staying as safe as possible. Let’s do our best to give space and grace as we embark on a renewed commitment to health and wellness.
Please, if you are not feeling well, DO NOT come to the gym. This includes if you are experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms, such as dry cough, fever, loss of taste and smell, or any other cold and flu symptoms.
Wash or sanitize your hands for at least 20 seconds before and after you are in the gym. There will be hand sanitizer as you enter the gym.
Wipe down EVERYTHING you touch, BEFORE and AFTER your workout. Please do not put back any equipment before you clean it, including any weight plates you use.
No “SuperSets” or Circuits.
For this phase we will not be selling water bottles. No food or drink will be allowed in the gym. Any liquids must be consumed outside and all bottles must be left outside the gym.
Please maintain six feet of social distancing at all times.
No adjacent machine use unless you are six feet apart.
Do not walk through the classroom during a class.
Gym capacity will be limited to 14 (6 people in the front gym area, 6 people in the back gym area, 2 people in the small back cardio room). Due to the capacity restrictions there will be a 90 minute limit for your gym sessions.
We will begin a modified class schedule beginning Monday June 8th. We will post this new schedule next week. Due to these social distancing guidelines, we will be limiting our class size to 9 students and 1 instructor. We may do shorter classes and add additional classes to accommodate the needs of all students.
Masks must be worn by all students and instructors at all times. Please take care not to get too out of breath; take the time you need to step outside and drink water or catch your breath. If you need to take off your mask, you must remember to step outside.
All class participants must stay in their designated spot, marked with tape on the floor.
Even as our class schedule evolves, Coach Bill is still planning on teaching his evening ZOOM CHISEL classes on Monday/Wednesday/Friday at 5pm.
If these make you feel safer and more comfortable, please join us!
As for our part, we are adding extra precautions to our own cleaning practices to help keep you as safe as possible. This includes,
Wiping down the equipment between clients.
Regularly scheduled cleaning intervals throughout the day.
Deep cleaning each night.
As always, please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. We are looking forward to safely reopening and re-establishing ourselves as your partners in this journey.
Thank you for your continued support of your fitness community. Without you, we would not be here, and we appreciate each, and every one of you!
If you have borrowed any equipment from the gym please make sure you return it either Monday between 11am-2pm or Tuesday morning unless you have made other arrangements with us.
Bill and Susan
