⚡With all the news about the coronavirus pandemic, it’s easy to feel powerless over your health.
🍎But there actually are some steps you can take to help your immune system in top shape.
🏃♂️Taking action goes a LONG way toward moving you from overwhelmed to empowered.
🥦I’ve got a list of healthy immune-boosting actions you can take to get back that sense of control.
NOTE: Remember, it’s still super important to follow prevention guidelines for handwashing and avoiding people who are sick …. even if you follow these steps!
● Get enough sleep. This can help improve your body’s natural immune function. Aim for 7-8 hours a night.
● Keep up with your fitness routine. Moderate to intense workouts lasting under an hour help boost your immune system both immediately and in the long run.
● Cut back on your stress with scheduled downtime and breathing exercises. Chronic stress appears to wear down your immune system, which can make you more vulnerable to illness.
● Eat a healthy & balanced diet that’s low in sugar. A balanced diet that contains veggies, fruits, and healthy fats is rich in antioxidants and micronutrients that support your immune system.
● Stay hydrated. Drinking enough water makes it easier for your cells to do their job – plus allows your body to more easily process food and eliminate waste. Shoot for at least 8 8-ounce (240 ml) glasses a day.